School returns for 1/2/3/TYyr group

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As school returns for 1/2/3/TYyr group  -12.04.2021-we would like to revisit and  outline the SHS  Covid procedures:

All students are expected to return to on site learning unless that they have a condition that warrants a medical  certificate or letter from a GP.

School access:  All students access school from 8.10-8.45 via Daingean rd. or Harbour Rd  for temperature check, mask check and hand sanitising.

Return to school form: Please complete the return to school form on school website by Sunday evening 13-04-2021– Have a screen shot ready of this for  temperature check in on Monday 01.03.2021

Late access: Students who attend school after 8.45 need to only enter the school through the Daingean rd entrance for temperature check and to record the same.

Absences: All absences illness appointments are logged by sending an email to the relevant Covid officer TY 5th 6th year –——1-3rd  – Please send email by 8.30 in advance of any absence

Illness follow up: Please contact the Covid officer re progress of student who has been ill and do not attend school until this contact has been made,. Prior to school return please fill in the Return to school form on the school website- under Covid 19 tab. Any school return after absence is based on GP and HSE advice.

Travel outside of Ireland– The school follows all DFA guidelines re returning from any travel abroad and as this is always being updated we trust that this will be followed in all cases.

Parent/Guardian school access: Please contact the school by email to arrange any request for appointment. Limited access available to school office hence all letters to be left at outside hatch.

Illness Please do not attend for school if your daughter is unwell and has any of the Covid symptoms as noted on HSE- Symptoms of COVID-19 – and make sure that you have contacted the relevant Covid officer.  School return after illness relating to any Covid symptoms is always dependant on HSE/GP advice.

In line with Level 5 restrictions please ensure that there is no congregation in the school carpark/entrances to school.

Thank you for your cooperation and support with all these procedures over the last term and we look forward to our continuing partnership to help protect our school community going forward for the remainder of the school year.



    Luke Corley                               Pauline Mc Kenna

    Lydia Mooney                           Orla Healy

    Annette Griffin

      Covid Admin team